Peripheral Neuropathy Laser Treatment

A Highly Effective, Non-invasive Solution to Pain

A common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, but it can also result from injuries, infections, and exposure to toxins.
Symptoms include pain, a pins-and-needles sensation, numbness, and weakness.

Our specific step-by-step protocol utilizing the most modern technology available can provide the solution you are looking for for your Peripheral Neuropathy.

Free from 

Dangerous Side Effects

Experience the future of pain relief and weight management at OC Laser Clinic, the leading laser center in Orange, CA. Our state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to providing non-invasive treatments for a wide range of conditions, including peripheral neuropathy. With our advanced laser technology, we offer effective relief from neuropathic pain, allowing our clients to reclaim their quality of life.

At OC Laser Clinic, we understand the impact that peripheral neuropathy can have on daily living. That’s why we employ cutting-edge laser therapies to target and alleviate pain associated with this condition, promoting enhanced mobility and comfort. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering personalized care and tailored treatment plans to address each client’s unique needs.

In addition to our focus on pain relief, OC Laser Clinic also specializes in non-invasive weight loss treatments. Our innovative laser therapies aid in slimming and toning, supporting clients in achieving their wellness goals without the need for surgery or invasive procedures.

Discover the transformative power of our laser treatments at OC Laser Clinic. Embrace a future free from neuropathic pain and take the first step toward optimal wellness. Schedule your consultation today and experience the difference that our non-invasive approach can make in your life.


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Our specific step-by-step protocol utilizing the most modern technology available can provide the solution you are looking for.

Plantar Fasciitis

We will address this issue to get you out of plantar fasciitis pain and back to your active lifestyle as quick as possible!

Rotator Cuff

Shoulder pain can be caused after years of chronic repetitive motion or from a sudden injury.

Knee Pain

Knee pain can have many root causes including accelerated wear and tear caused by work or daily activities as well as acute injury due to a traumatic event such as a sports injury or fall

Peripheral Neuropathy

We now offer patients an effective and non-invasive option for treating and managing Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms using class 4 High Power Deep Tissue Laser.

Laser Psoriasis Treatment

We now offer patients an effective and non-invasive option for treating and managing Psoriasis symptoms using class 4 High Power Deep Tissue Laser.